Find your massage therapist

Finding a good massage therapists is hard. There are over 10,000 registered massage therapists in Quebec. Everyone has widely different needs, objectives & preferences.

How it works

1. Select your location

We'll also ask a few questions about your needs.       Your preferences are compared against hundreds of registered professionals in your area.

2. Compare matches

We recommended you 5 fantastic        massage therapists who would be a great fit for you (nearby, good reviews, etc).

3. Book that massage

After comparing profiles and prices;       you can discuss further with your preferred massage therapists or simply schedule an appointment.

📍 Everywhere in Quebec

Find a qualified registered massage therapist in the undefined area. Tell us a bit more about your needs and we'll match you with therapist that will give you the best massage in town!

The service is currently in closed beta while we refine our search & recomendation algorithms. We're also establishing our network of partners.

Stay tuned for launch

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